Current Issues

The last few weeks have been hard. What is worse is that I get even more stressed out than I already am over school and work and Quinn, that I take all of it out on KC. Today he got pretty pissed off and told me to quit taking my anger out on him, but then he gave me a hug. It just seems like every little thing is bugging me to the point where I just want to explode. I can feel traces of my old bad feelings coming back whenever I get stressed out, which is showing up in my dreams. I have ANOTHER dream that my mom abandoned me and Quinn. School is sucking the very life out me as well.

Then today I woke up to see the sun peaking through my window and it really just made me feel so much better. Yoga was awesome because the sun filters into that room perfectly, so that you don’t get hot from it but the sun light creates a great atmosphere for good feeling and relaxation. It was really nice. I think that after I get my financial bogey together, I am going to start taking yoga up at the gym, and ask Webby to take it with me.

The other day I went and saw Juno with Strumpet and I have to say that that is one of the cutest movies I have ever seen. I definitely suggest seeing that movie. It is about a girl and boy who have sex one time and the girl gets pregnant and decides to give her baby away. I love the way Juno talks throughout the movie. She has so much funny slang.


Also, I really wish I had gotten to vote on Super Tuesday, and I am glad that Obama won Georgia. I read today in Times Magazine that a large majority of Obama’s votes were from voters below the age of thirty and that it is like that because he worked hard to personally get in touch and talk to students. It is also like that because he offers a fresh outlook is new to campaigning and such. I agree with that, and it totally makes sense.

On 96.5 today they had a fake interview with some guy posing as ex-President Clinton, talking about how his wife lost so much money through her campaigning and plans to start her career as President broke and all this really demeaning stuff about Hilary Clinton. Isn’t that illegal, to give somebody a bad image like that? Anyways, I figured they would get into some trouble for it. I will have to look into it in a couple days.

I went to two seminars at school last night that focused on Global Warming. I had no idea how serious it was and will end up being. It was really cool because they asked the audience (students) to speak out about how they feel about the Global Warming situation and any questions they might have. What was cool was that several students spoke so enthusiastically about living green and saving the environment. One student whom I had gone to high school with said that he couldn’t understand why the presidential candidates were not very concerned about global warming. I had wondered that before but then I didn’t really care so much about it either. Dr. Nickel said that it was because the candidates were saying and talking about what people wanted to hear. 

Another girl, whom I also went to high school with, said that she didn’t think people were going to do anything about it  until it affected them personally and detrimentally. I totally agree.

Gee, who I sat with, said that even if the world started taking it seriously today, it is already too late and that we can only help to a certain degree. It is going to happen anyways. Gee is all into living green, so don’t misunderstand her, but I can totally see where she is coming from. It will happen, and it is unstoppable. But I still think that people should take it seriously and try to do something about it. I would rather work hard now and make the world a place where my children won’t be detrimentally affected by it. Living green should become part of all school systems and be one of the federal government’s main concerns.

Anyways, I found a website that offers 50 ways to live green. I thought I would offer it to whoever decided they would like to start saving their planet now.

They also talked about different kinds of energy resources and stuff. I was interested in this energy in which plasma is used but I can’t remember what it is called. If anyone has any comments, facts, or knows what that kind of energy is, feel free to comment!

About an hour ago I shook hands with one of the original Freedom Riders, Ben Cox. He gave a speech at my college that was just so inspiring. It was kind of sad because 90% of the people in there were total ignoring anything being said, bored really, because they had to be there in order to get credit for a class. I thought it was wonderful. The author of the book Freedom Riders, Dr. Ray Arsenault, also came and spoke. He told his story and about how the US is such a wonderful country because there is so much freedom in it today.

That got me to thinking…

Even though segregation isn’t so much of a problem in the US today, there is a lot of discrimination against gays. It really sickened me how so many of the people running for president this year use the “turn your head” approach to discrimination against gays. They act as if, if they don’t see it, then it isn’t a pressing problem. But it is a problem! My sister is gay and had a really hard time with my family when she came out. My family literally outcast her for a little while.  It is sad to think that one day, when she finds the person that she wants to spend the rest of her life with, she will not be able to get married to her while living in Georgia, or other states, and that they will always be outcast. I believe the gays should be able to get married just like heterosexual couples. Many of my friends are gay and many of them are very passionate and true in their relationships.

I want to bring more freedom to the homosexual community.  I’m just not sure how to. I am going to look into it.

On another note, if freedom is what I am goaling for, then  doesn’t that bring up the issue of freedom for drug use? It’s not at all the same thing but when you really think about it….

Quinn and Tj are going to visit my grandparents who are against homosexuality (strongly!) and I told my sister she was stupid for doing that because my grandfather was just going to make them feel like shit and they were going to regret it. But I got to thinking about it later and maybe they should go. Here I am talking about bringing freedom to homosexuals but I am telling my sister to hide her face from those who disagree with it.


This is a photo from a portfolio done on homosexuals. I love this photo.